These conceptual papers make it simple to grasp the meaning of common statistical terms used in scientific studies

- Understanding Relative Risk, Odds Ratio, and Related Terms: As Simple as It Can Get
- Why Odds Ratios Can Be Tricky Statistics: The Case of Finasteride, Dutasteride, and Sexual Dysfunction
- The Numbers Needed to Treat and Harm (NNT, NNH) Statistics: What They Tell Us and What They Do Not
- Likelihood of Being Helped or Harmed as a Measure of Clinical Outcomes in Psychopharmacology
- A Primer on Confidence Intervals in Psychopharmacology
- Mean difference, standardized mean difference (SMD) and their use in meta-analysis: as simple as it gets
- Understanding the basics of meta-analysis and how to read a forest plot: as simple as it gets
- A student’s guide to the classification and operationalization of variables in the conceptualization and design of a clinical study: Part 1
- A student’s guide to the classification and operationalization of variables in the conceptualization and design of a clinical study: Part 2
- Cause Versus Association in Observational Studies in Psychopharmacology
- Describing Research Design
- Designing and Conducting Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Surveys in Psychiatry: Practical Guidance
- The P Value and Statistical Significance: Misunderstandings, Explanations, Challenges, and Alternatives
- Sample Size and its Importance in Research
- Internal, External, and Ecological Validity in Research Design, Conduct, and Evaluation
- How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference presentation
Courtesy: Dr. Chittaranjan Andrade. This was shared over an email in e journal club that I am a member of