Key concepts wrt study design

These conceptual papers make it simple to grasp the meaning of common statistical terms used in scientific studies

  1. Understanding Relative Risk, Odds Ratio, and Related Terms: As Simple as It Can Get
  2. Why Odds Ratios Can Be Tricky Statistics: The Case of Finasteride, Dutasteride, and Sexual Dysfunction
  3. The Numbers Needed to Treat and Harm (NNT, NNH) Statistics: What They Tell Us and What They Do Not
  4. Likelihood of Being Helped or Harmed as a Measure of Clinical Outcomes in Psychopharmacology
  5. A Primer on Confidence Intervals in Psychopharmacology
  6. Mean difference, standardized mean difference (SMD) and their use in meta-analysis: as simple as it gets
  7. Understanding the basics of meta-analysis and how to read a forest plot: as simple as it gets
  8. A student’s guide to the classification and operationalization of variables in the conceptualization and design of a clinical study: Part 1
  9. A student’s guide to the classification and operationalization of variables in the conceptualization and design of a clinical study: Part 2
  10. Cause Versus Association in Observational Studies in Psychopharmacology
  11. Describing Research Design
  12. Designing and Conducting Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Surveys in Psychiatry: Practical Guidance
  13. The P Value and Statistical Significance: Misunderstandings, Explanations, Challenges, and Alternatives
  14. Sample Size and its Importance in Research
  15. Internal, External, and Ecological Validity in Research Design, Conduct, and Evaluation
  16. How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference presentation

Courtesy: Dr. Chittaranjan Andrade. This was shared over an email in e journal club that I am a member of