- https://modelbasedneurosci.com/
- Annual JAGS Workshop: Bayesian Modeling for Cognitive Science
- ESCoP 2019 workshop
- Fundamentals of Statistics and Computation for Neuroscientists
- fMRI course
- Bayesian Statistics | Zero to Hero
- CS231 | CNN for visual recognition
- Neurohack academy
- Computational Psychiatry Course Zurich
- Python Tutorials | Opensesame
- Virtual ERP Boot Camp
- Introduction to Git and GitHub
- Python for neuroscience
- resouRces: Database of Resources to Learn & Teach R
- Learning Statistical Models Through Simulation in R
- QuantDev Methodology
- R Bootcamp: Introduction to Multilevel Model and Interactions
- Hyperscanning Academy
- Jamovi Assignments for Introductory Statistics: Instructor Site
- The open handbook of experience sampling methodology: A step-by-step guide to designing, conducting, and analyzing ESM studies