❌ No photoshop was harmed during the making of these visualizations
Electrophysiology data
Demonstration of long term potentiation from rat brain slices
Replicate a famous illustration in R using ggplot
Global warming's Six Americas
Replicate another famous illustration in R using ggplot
Leonardo Decaprio's dating story
Custom coloring of title and rainbow cloud plots
Raincloud plots
Count number at the end of the bar and horizontal flip for more space
Survey counts
Template for correlation plot
Rug, dot and regression line
Statistics results onto the plot
Comprehensive viz for linear models
Office visualisation for pending tickets autolabelled
Line plots
Connected lines for paired data
Ladder plot
Comparison using radar plot. Useful for parameters with similar scales
Radar plot
Cumulative distribution
Distribution description
Circular barplot
Sleep stages story
Data summaries lie a lot
Save cetaceans
Circular barplot with texts
Harry potter books word count viz
Word cloud
Custom clouds
Consistency in batting
Coefficient of variance