How to prepare for a masters or PhD in Neuroscience

Exam coverage is sufficient for a non-bio/medical person to pass with proper reading and effort

  1. Get Instant notes in Neurosciences. Read from page first to last. If you get lost and miserable, don’t worry. Estimated completion time is 14 days
  2. Reread the Neuroscience/Physiology-focused section of the CBSE biology textbook. Estimated completion time is seven days
  3. Dale Purves’ book Neuroscience is easy to read quickly to get the gist of the subject. Estimated completion time is one month
  4. Connect with individuals who have an MPhil/Masters/PhD from the same department. This is a simple trick. You will most likely receive 10 points for this practice. Many questions used to be repetitive
  5. Watch this course, MCB80x, the last week before the exam. Estimated completion time is seven days

Two months of solid time is enough to crack the entrance. The topics, by nature is very volatile from an engineering point of view. It grows over you slowly. Consistent reading and revision are recommended. It’s crucial to complete the preparation in the specified order. Take Professor White’s course on Medical Neuroscience from Duke University on Coursera if there is still one month left